I have a platoon I've been sending things to here and there just to make sure they know they are thought of. This morning I had an email from the Major, who pops in from time to time in my email box. He sent me this picture of the 2 yr. old niece of one of their contacts. The first thing I saw were her big, gorgeous brown eyes and then as my eyes scanned the rest of the picture, I saw how dirty her little face is and how worn her clothes and her poor dolly are. We take so much for granted and BG has so many toys and clothes and I'm constantly looking for new things for her and not always because she needs them. I've found out they see their contact at least once a week and today I'm sending a box of goodies and some warm clothes for winter to this sweet, sweet girl.
I thanked the Major for sending me her picture and it's times like this that remind me exactly how blessed we are. I think sometimes we get caught up in saying it but we don't always realize just how true it is.
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